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Magistral creation by Radwimps

"Sparkle" is a song performed by the Japanese group band Radwimps, who wrote and composed the entire the film's entire soundtrack. The song is characterised by its soft, haunting melody and poetic lyrics, which poetic lyrics that fit in perfectly with the with the film's themes.


Emotion and meaning

The song "Sparkle" is associated with a key moment in the when the two main characters, Taki and Mitsuha characters, Taki and Mitsuha, realise the importance of remembering importance of remembering each other despite the barriers of barriers of time and space. The lyrics reflect desire to preserve their bond, even if the memory of their even as the memory of their encounters slowly fades.

Here is an extract from the lyrics of "Sparkle" :

"I am always searching for you
Hidden in the cherry blossoms
Still trying to find you"

These lyrics express a timeless quest for the the other, a central theme of "Your Name." The song conveys a sense of hope, love and perseverance, thus perseverance, thus reinforcing the emotion of the scene with which it is associated.

Impact on the public

"Sparkle" became one of the film's iconic iconic songs of the film and moved a wide audience. Fans fans around the world were moved by the beauty of the beauty of the music and the way it reinforces the emotional emotional impact of the film. The song has also been commercial success, reaching a wide audience beyond the beyond the film itself.



The song 'Sparkle' is a perfect example of how how music can amplify emotion in a film. a film. Its blend of haunting melody and poignant lyrics makes it unforgettable, and it remains a powerful a powerful reminder of "Your Name's" central themes of love such as love, memory and destiny. It continues to to captivate and move listeners, just as the film continues to continues to touch the hearts of filmgoers the world over. the world.

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